Frequently asked questions

Listed questions and answers here to help you use the site including searching for the service you need, taking needs assessment, registering an account, etc.

Helpful Resources:

To search for a provider, please go to the "Search Services" page found here.

You may print the results list by clicking on the “Print Results” button next to “Search Results.” This will take you to a printer-friendly page of all the results that match your search.

If you are not sure what services or providers might best fit your needs, fill out the Service & Support Questionnaire (SSQ). To begin an SSQ, start here.

For more information on the Home and Community Based waiver, please visit the "Progams and Services" section of our site, found here.

To create an account, click Register button in the header bar. Creating an account will enable you to:

  • Save contact person information for later use,
  • View past Services & Support questionnaires, and
  • Save lists of providers for the services you are interested in for future reference.
You can click here to retrieve your username or reset your password.
Click here to find a MAC Center near you or to email a MAC Center Representative.
This site works best with Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 (Standards Mode), Safari, and Firefox. Internet Explorer 8 is also supported, but not optimal. Older versions of Internet Explorer are not supported.
Call or email your nearest MAC Center in order to update your organization's information in the Mississippi Access to Care system. Click here to identify your nearest MAC Center in order for a MAC Center specialist to provide you with an Information Update Form.